Kenyon's show pictures

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Kenyon and his big show debut!

Congrats Joey on a job well done with Kenyon.  You did a great job working with him and showing him. 

Kenyon & Joey Awaiting Showmanship class














Just a little background on Kenyon and Joey.  Joey is in the Scott County 4H and does not own a horse.  Kenyon is my 18yr old TB that has primarly done dressage and trail riding.  Prior to Joey working him, he did not know how to neck rein and could have NEVER have gone into a western pleasure class.  Joey worked hard with Kenyon as he can be pretty stubborn, and really he has not been ridden for arena work in over 2 yrs only trails.  So Joey had to work hard at getting his headset where it should be.  Her biggest hurdle was his lope.  Because Kenyon is such a big boy and well clumsy, his lope needs work.  Joey focused all spring on her riding and getting balanced and really perfecting his walk and trot prior to moving to the lope.  About a month prior to the show we started work on his lope.  Kenyon has been off and on fighting lameness issues so the lope was difficult at times.  But with hard work Joey got him pretty well for the show season. 

At the show, Kenyon and Joey did very well considering how nervous Joey was!!!  Kenyon did great in showmanship, the one thing we did not really train for, nor has he ever done, he did great in it.  Joey and Kenyon had a lot of classes in the morning of the show, going from english to western right after each other.  I'm very proud of how Joey handled Kenyon and how well she did dispite her nervousness.  And I'm proud of Kenyon for not having a temper tantrum!!!

Gaming was in the afternoon and for fun Joey entered a few.  One was the Jumping figure eight, you would think a big 16.3hh TB would have no problem jumping 18", but my gosh it must take a lot of energy to clear that.  As Kenyon seemed to knock it over each time!!!LOL  He's definitly not a gamer nor did we really train for this, but he did ok!  Again, Joey did a great job handling him.